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Interim Measures of the Lihe Group on conducting admonitions and letters to leading cadres of Party members 2018-12-25

       Article oneThese Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision in order to strengthen and improve the daily education and management of Party members and leading cadres。
       Article 2At the request of the Party Committee, discipline inspection organs and organization (personnel) departments conduct interviews and letters of encouragement to leading cadres of Party members in accordance with the authority of cadre management。For the members of the next level of leadership, depending on the specific circumstances, the principal person in charge of the party committee can also be entrusted to conduct the admonishment talk。
       Article 3A leading cadre of a Party member who has one of the following conditions should be given a speech of encouragement:
       (1) Failure to strictly observe the Party's political discipline, to implement the Party's line, principles and policies, resolutions and decisions of higher Party organizations, and to make arrangements for work;
       (2) failing to seriously implement democratic centralism, acting arbitrarily, or causing unprincipled disputes among the leading groups;
       (3) do not perform their duties seriously, causing certain losses to the work;
        (4) those that are flashy and divorced from realityImage engineeringPerformance projectExtravagance and waste, causing adverse effects;
        (5) Not strictly implementing the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres, and making mistakes in employing people;
        (6) failing to strictly implement the regulations on honesty and self-discipline, resulting in adverse effects;
        (7) Other situations in which an encouraging conversation is required。
       Article 4When speaking, you should explain the reason for the conversation, listen carefully to their explanations and explanations of relevant issues, point out the problems that need attention, and ask them to put forward corrective measures。
       Article 5Disciplinary inspection bodies and organizational (personnel) departments should take appropriate measures to understand the correction of the major problems of the interviewees。If no correction is made or the correction is not obvious, it shall, in accordance with the opinions of the Party Committee, criticize and educate and urge correction, or organize handling。
       Article 6Discipline inspection organs and organization (personnel) departments may also send written inquiries to Party members' leading cadres regarding their political ideology, moral quality, clean and diligent administration, selection and employment, etc. as reported by the masses。
       Article 7Party members and leading cadres shall, within 15 working days after receiving a letter of inquiry, give a written reply in a realistic manner。If a reply cannot be made on time under special circumstances, the reasons shall be explained within the prescribed time limit。If the question is not clearly explained, it may be asked again by letter or understood in other ways。If he fails to reply without reason, he shall be ordered to reply as soon as possible。
       Article VIIIThe party members' leading cadres should be given speeches and letters of encouragement, and the examination and approval procedures should be strictly followed。In general, according to the authority of cadres' management, the discipline inspection organ or the relevant unit of the organization (personnel) department shall put forward opinions and submit them to the leader of the organ or the department for approval。
       The ninth articleParty members and leading cadres who receive the organization's exhortations and letters must answer the questions truthfully, and must not conceal, fabricate, distort the facts, or evade the questions. They must not fail to respond to the organization's letters without reason, and must not pursue or retaliate against those who reflect the problems。Violators shall be subject to criticism and education, and if the circumstances are serious, they shall be given organizational treatment or disciplinary sanctions。
       Article tenThe records of their admonitions (which need to be verified by them) and their responses to organisational letters are kept by the authorities or departments that conducted them。
       Article 11The contents of the admonitions and inquiries made by the relevant staff to the leading cadres of the Party members shall be kept strictly confidential。Those who lose or leak secrets shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations。
       Article 12Where leading cadres of non-CPC members need to conduct admonitions and letters of inquiry, these Measures shall apply。
       Article 13The Group Discipline Inspection Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these measures。
       Article 14These Measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation。



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